Teeth Whitening


United Dental will help to restore a natural white tone and a brighter smile to your teeth. At Lowell teeth whitening, we have developed our unique Perfect Bleaching methods that will provide you with noticeable results after one treatment. Our teeth whitening professionals will examine your teeth and suggest the best method for you.

Just book a consultation and follow our recommendations.


What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is one of the most in-demand cosmetic dentistry treatments that offer a quick, affordable, and non-invasive way to improve your smile. Our teeth whitening (or bleaching) treatments are available to every budget, temperament, and time frame.

Various factors, like the consumption of coffee/ tea or other colored food products, smoking, medicine, etc., can lead to teeth discoloration. Teeth whitening treatment can restore the natural shade of your teeth and remove stains. Most of our patients choose advanced teeth whitening treatment for cosmetic reasons, but this procedure also provides health to your teeth.


Professional Teeth Whitening

Our Professional (in-office) teeth whitening services are the most effective and fastest options. The procedure lasts around an hour and will whiten your teeth from two to eight shades lighter, with long-term results lasting up to five years. Professional teeth whitening is immediate and drastic results are well worth it.


Power Bleaching

Power bleaching is done in our clinic, also known as laser whitening. Our professional dentists will cover your gums and paint bleaching liquid on the teeth. Laser light activates the whitening. Usually, this treatment is done once and takes about 60 minutes.


How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

The degree of teeth whiteness depends on a person’s habits, teeth condition, bleaching system type, and staining level. Yet teeth whitening is not permanent. Professional (in-office) whitening can last up to five years.

Here are some tips to keep long your teeth bright:

          ● Avoid drinks and foods that stain.

          ● Rinse or brush immediately after having stain-causing foods or beverages.

          ● Follow oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth twice daily, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash once a day to kill all bacteria that cause plaque.

          ● Avoid cigarettes, pipes, and cigars, as tobacco can yellow your teeth.

        ● Go for general cleanings at your dentist's office. Professional cleanings help to remove plaque and pick up the stains from what you eat and drink. Your dental hygiene will keep your teeth feeling and looking great.

Taking selfies has become an inseparable part of our daily life, and everyone tends to have a perfect smile.

So, smile freely with Lowell teeth whitening professional treatments!