Emergency Dentistry Services


United Dental includes an Emergency Dentistry department for unforeseen dental issues that require immediate attention.

What is Emergency Dentistry?

Dental emergencies are life-threatening conditions that require immediate treatment to stop bleeding, reduce severe pain, or prevent infection.

Emergency dentistry services are intended for critical situations involving teeth and tissues that should be treated urgently by the relevant professional. Dental emergencies are not always accompanied by pain, although this serves as a standard signal that something needs to be looked at. One may also have emergency cosmetic dentistry issues when suddenly losing a filling, crown, bridge, etc. Although they are pain-free, they demand emergency treatment for appearance. Other cases are accompanied by extreme tooth pain that cannot wait for a regular dentist appointment. In such situations, the sooner you get medical treatment, the quicker you will relieve the pain, and the problem will be solved. Emergency Dentistry prevents greater damage to your dental health.

So, familiarize yourself with the Emergency Dental Clinic in Lowell, United Dental, which is exclusively dedicated to handling emergency cases.

When Would You Need to Visit an Emergency Dentist?

   ● Chipped or broken tooth

In case your teeth are broken or chipped, an emergency dentist should examine the extent of the damage to provide the right solution. If a broken or cracked tooth is left untreated, it may become to infection such as osteomyelitis, sepsis, or even abscess, which is very painful. Chipped or broken teeth can be restored with dental crowns.

   ● Knocked out tooth

There are some cases when knocked-out teeth are successfully replanted and continue functioning properly. However, you should turn to an emergency dentistry specialist quickly. So, if you face such cases, find your tooth and turn to United Dental for a faster prognosis and treatment.

   ● Tooth pain and swelling

We often assume that a toothache is usual and don’t pay attention in our daily routine. But in many cases, it is a sign of a hidden problem. In case if all your attempts to relieve tooth pain and swelling are in vain, you should turn to emergency dental services instead of waiting for your regular appointment, you can consider. Tooth pain and hard swelling may be due to infected gums, tooth decay, exposed roots, or abscess.

   ● Lost filling or crown

Crowns or fillings are meant to protect teeth that are already damaged. Therefore, it is essential to take immediate action when you notice that they are missing. A missing filling or crown could be a signal of an underlying problem like cavities, so you should turn to an emergency cosmetic dentistry specialist as soon as possible. The affected tooth can have increased sensitivity and lead to further deterioration.

   ● Post-dental surgery complications

In case you feel pain or notice something strange after a dental procedure, turn to emergency care dentistry immediately to determine if the recovery process is going well. This is very important for surgical treatments as it may be a symptom of an infection.

Emergency dentistry is needed in such scenarios when one suffers some form of trauma, bleeding from the mouth to cheeks, teeth, tongue, jaw, or lips. However, your need for emergency dental care is not restricted to these situations. Any time you feel uncomfortable and cannot wait for a dentist's regular appointment, you can ease your worry by checking into our emergency dental clinic at Lowell.

For booking an emergency appointment, please call us and our professional team will advise you on your next steps.